Project – Unfinished work

Unfinished works
Unfinished works

Interitter motion with spiral guide

The mechanisms, either simple or complex, to transform motion from rotational into intermittent are based on the same principle: the crown gears, or pinion gears have thet oothing placed in the middle of the surface;
in this way the contact between the gears is intermittent with a cyclical rotation clockwise and vice versa.

The element conducted can be a rack, a toothed gear or a rope.

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Project - The war

3 barreled machine gun A machine gun with three barrels; it is similar to the model with 8 barrels, but it is heavier. The model includes the…
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Project - The mechanism

Intermittent motion The mechanisms, either simple or complex, to transform motion from rotational into intermittent are based on the same…